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The Birman is a generally well-mannered cat that is loving and affectionate with their humans. These gentle cats are very popular for their sweet disposition and calm personalities.

Ragdolls are notable for collapsing into the arms of anyone who holds them, even if they are cradled on their back. They love their people, greeting them at the door, following them around the house.

The Birman, Ragdoll and Associated Breeds Club Inc. was founded in Melbourne Victoria, on 30th April, 1983 as a Society for the Appreciation and Advancement of the Sacred Cat of Burma – then known as The Birman Society. The founding members were Lesley Freemann, Kevin Rock, Trish and John Newman.
As of 3rd December 2014 Our Club has a new name.
We are now known as “BIRMAN, RAGDOLL AND ASSOCIATED BREEDS CLUB INC.” Welcoming all cat lovers to you expanding club.
The club aims to promote interest in the breeding and exhibiting of our breeds and encourage the care, protection and maintenance of healthy breed lines of Birmans, Ragdolls and cats in general. We seek to raise the status and facilitate interest and understanding of the breeds.
BRABC is an active club which caters for everyone who has an interest in Birmans, Ragdolls and associated breeds, from the potential pet owner to the most professional breeder are welcomed into our club . Apart from overseeing the welfare of the breed we provide an annual Cat Show, to show case the best of our breeds.